Charlotte Tech Scene: General Overview

Charlotte is the fastest-growing city in North Carolina and at the same time the most advanced tech hub in the state. The friendly business environment and well-developed tech industry attracted a number of IT & tech giants, such as IBM, Lenovo, Google, and Citrix.
The growth rate of the tech industry in Charlotte between 2013-2017 was 13%, and in 2019 the numbers grew up to 20%, according to .
Based on data from the same source, ranked Charlotte the #2 tech hub in the country, mentioning that the younger generation of IT professionals prefers Charlotte to Silicon Valley due to low living costs and big job opportunities.
Another interesting fact about Charlotte is that 36.5% of IT companies' CEOs are women, which is the highest indicator in the US. This is why working with Charlotte IT companies is probably an interesting experience, or at least a bit different from what you may find in other cities.
On the other hand, Charlotte generates on average 6,000+ IT professionals annually which makes the city a good destination for both IT companies and startups as well as potential clients.
According to , Charlotte’s biggest industry is the Financial one, which managed to develop based on the IT sector. Now, Charlotte is considered one of the most digitalized cities in the country and a great opportunity for IT projects, including but not limited to lower costs of services.