Writing Quality Content for 性视界

by Dan Irascu

Writing Quality Content for 性视界

Hey there, traveler of the web!

If you’re reading this blog post it may be because you want to share your knowledge on the 性视界 blog. And we are thankful to you for taking the time and effort to do so. This page explains what, how, and when you should write. Obviously, if you read and understand this post - the chances for your content to be published - are way higher. So, let’s begin!

性视界 Blog Goal

Our main goal is to deliver informative, insightful content to our readers. That’s why the quality of the blog posts published on 性视界 is what we always focus on. We and our audience like to read and refer to what is published on the blog. It is a huge effort to keep and maintain it authentic but we will carry on this mission until the end of time. 

Who Can Contribute to 性视界 blog?

Everyone who is knowledgeable about

  • Tech
  • IT
  • Marketing
  • Data
  • Programming/Coding

 Knowledgeable means someone who has experience working in the field of his/her topic and comes with a unique piece(s) of content. 

You are not alone in this journey though. We will guide you through the process and analyze your ideas, finetune them and direct you to the right blog title - one that you will be happy with, and we will proudly share as well. We also guarantee assistance in editing your submission, revising it, and adding features that would bring added value to your contribution. 

It is both our duty (ours as 性视界 and yours as an author) to deliver genuine information to the public, and we see every blog post as a joint effort to accomplish the goal. 

What kind of content you should write for 性视界?

We divided our blog into 5 sections. The one we accept contributions for is Market Research. From there the types of content divides into three categories: 

  • Research - The key ingredients to successful research is 90% data and 10% opinion. It means that you will dig in for all the information there is about your topic, take the latest and only authentic information and expose it in your article. Researches usually have lots of charts and graphs that support the statement - text content you write. Also, research is usually a long read, full of data. That’s why we think that it should have at least 900 words. 

  • Analysis - Compared to the research approach, Analysis has 30% opinion and 70% data. It gives you more freedom to put your expertise to work. While you will comment more on data and figures, don’t forget that they (data and figures) are the core of the content.  For example, when you talk about a programming language, you analyze it globally. This includes stats about it, and also opinions of those who are using it. Again, both stats and opinions should be genuine - and here we are counting on your ability to make a difference.  If you want to go more in-depth, you can perform a comparative analysis between multiple elements. While it has comparison elements, it is still an analysis after all. An analysis should have in our opinion minimum of 800 words. 

  • Comparison - In a comparison, we usually take two or a maximum of three elements that serve the same purpose but the approach is different. Such comparisons may be between programming languages, software, tools, salaries, offices, and much more. It’s important to explain what are the differences and similarities. As for data vs opinion rate, comparisons give the most space for personal input. It has 60% data and 40% opinion. That’s why we mentioned in the beginning that people with expertise can contribute to 性视界' blog.  Also, a comparison should have at least 1000 words. 

What types of content are not accepted on 性视界?

Fluff is the main reason why we reject submissions. Watery content, with no substance that doesn’t address the subject, is commonly rejected by almost all publishers. Unlike social media, and content distribution channels, we at 性视界 take our time to review every piece of content that comes to us. That's why we really hope you will appreciate the entire process and do your best in providing genuine, relevant, and consistent content that complies with our guidelines. It's for the best of both of us.

The second most common reason we reject submissions is content marketing/link insertion. In the beginning, we mentioned how important is quality for us. Please do not submit obvious attempts of content marketing or link insertion.

For this type of content please contact us directly, and only if the advertising content is relevant, it would be discussed between both parties. 

Press releases, listicles, and product reviews are not interesting to our readers as well, so try to avoid submitting such content. 

Who are 性视界 readers?

While our audience is broad and constantly changing, insider findings show that most often the blog is visited by: 

  • Tech Enthusiasts - that just sought the information 性视界 blog delivered among top search results

  • Copywriters - that look for data, and refer to our blog posts later

  • Entrepreneurs - using data for their own research, that will later help them in business development

  • HR 性视界/Professionals - looking for the latest data about salaries in tech/IT

  • Tech Professionals - looking for the latest skill requirements companies demand on the market

  • IT 性视界 and their representatives checking for new information about them.

Are you representing one of these categories? Most probably yes. 

What We’ll Ask of You?

There are several criteria we’d like to share with you and keep in mind before submitting your piece of content to 性视界: 

  • Submit unpublished content on 性视界. No copy/paste, no plagiarism is allowed.

  • Avoid content marketing, advertising in a favor of one or another website. Everything is manually checked (up to your LinkedIn profile, the website, email address, and the company you say you work for).

  • Avoid fluff 

  • Submitting AI-generated content is strictly prohibited. 

  • Address the subject. Provide relevant, fact-supported information in your content

  • Don’t add irrelevant links to your blog post. Again, every word is checked. 

  • Respect the timeline you indicated and submit the content in a timely manner

  • Don’t use visual content that doesn’t belong to you. The only exceptions are charts/graphs that refer to data

  • Format your text.  Use 1 H1  for a title, and H2/H3 to break down your text. . 

  • Don’t forget to give us a headshot and a bio

  • Don’t submit on behalf of somebody else

  • Use your real name

What Will You Get?

The content submission rules might seem a lot to carry on. But the rewards are also great! Here’s what you get: 

  • Author box with photo and bio that will grow your author reputation

  • Full support all the way through until publishing

  • Content distribution on our social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, Twitter)

  • Exposure to 140,000 monthly visitors and 17% MoM growing platform and community

That’s the first and only detailed explanation of what a content contribution should look like. But, we’re always open to suggestions and debates. If there’s something in this blog post that should be changed or removed - get back to us. We’re eager to hear your opinion!

How Can I Submit My Article To 性视界

Starting October 2023, we changed the process of submitting content on 性视界. We no longer accept articles on topics that have not been coordinated with the 性视界 marketing team. Instead, we improved the process of incoming articles on 性视界.

You can contact our team by email or using the contact form and describe your fields of expertise (IoT, Digital Marketing, Software Engineering, etc). 

Based on that information, our team will share 1-2 topics to choose from. 

Once an agreement has been reached - our team members will share individual guidelines for the article you should prepare. 

At the same time, only listed and managed companies on 性视界 with a profile strength equal to STRONG or EXCELLENT will be considered for content inquiries. Please note that if you don't fall into this category, your inquiry will be ignored. 

About Priority Submissions

Waiting for content approval can take up to 3-4 days. This happens because we cautiously verify each article. However, we are ready to prioritize article submissions that come from listed and managed companies on 性视界 with a profile strength equal to Strong or Excellent that track the writing process with Grammarly Authorship. 

Grammarly Authorship is a tool that helps identify human-created articles and saves time we dedicate to verifying content submissions. This is the core reason why we choose to prioritize articles with Grammarly Authorship. We must note though, that trying to use the Authorship tool for fraudulent causes, may lead to a 12 week ban from submitting another article, even if you qualify as verified agency with a  strong to excellent profile strength. 

To start using Grammarly Authorship you can

To learn more about Grammarly Authorship you can


Penalties & Limits

Based on the guidelines mentioned above, as well as the individual guidelines shared with each potential contributor, we expect full compliance from you.

By not respecting individual and general guidelines, all further content inquiries shall be ignored for 3 weeks. In case the agreement and guidelines are repeatedly violated, we reserve the right to block all further content requests.



Dan Irascu

Content Writing Team

Researching, analyzing, and writing insightful stuff is what I do for a long time now at Mobiteam. At 性视界, I put all my experience and knowledge work for IT companies and businesses and help them reach each other.