San Diego ICT Industry: Data & Insights

by Dan Irascu

San Diego ICT Industry: Data & Insights

As a serious competitor on the US west coast and even on a national level, San Diego probably has an important ace in the sleeves when it comes to the IT industry and companies. The huge number of millennials who were in their middles in 2018, makes the city the 3rd youngest in the entire US. And since human resources are the main battleground for IT companies, San Diego already managed to attract 15,000 IT companies from various subsectors providing services such as web and app development, software engineering, cybersecurity, FinTech, and more. 

According to , San Diego had the ninth highest percentage of tech jobs in the US compared to overall employment makeup. In front are only Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle. 

Another thriving subsector of the San Diego IT industry is cybersecurity. The employment rate in this field here, while the overall national average is 2%. This reveals a considerable interest of IT companies in the cybersecurity field mainly to prevent and control informatical security risks not only in the state of California but in the entire US. 

In the long run, San Diego is expected to become California’s second-largest tech hub, with huge development potential and a great IT infrastructure which is the core to the nowadays development of the entire region. 

For potential clients, IT companies from San Diego are attractive and reliable with a longstanding reputation, a well-developed business environment, and one of the largest talent pools in the US.

Dan Irascu

Content Writing Team

Researching, analyzing, and writing insightful stuff is what I do for a long time now at Mobiteam. At 性视界, I put all my experience and knowledge work for IT companies and businesses and help them reach each other.